How to survive COVID 19 quarantine as a mama of littles
No need for an introduction here. Corona doesn’t deserve an introduction if you ask me. This came all too fast and unexpected. It brought chaos and anxiety to our lives. Granted… quarantine is necessary to keep us safe and help stop us from losing lives, for that I am grateful. It still is extremely difficult and scary for most people. Among the uncertainty and disheartening post after post on social media, I wanted to provide some ways to cope, or tips that have helped me or others to help YOU and your family in your new day to day.
I am a mom of 2 little girls a 3 year old and a 1 year old. Quarantine feels like my normal life already (silent sob) but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I feel like I may have if not a leg up, at least a big toe up in the stay at home department. Because my kids aren’t in school I try and get out with them as much as possible. We stay BUSY to keep us all happy! But here we are stuck inside and MAN… it’s even rough for me! Here is my list of helpful tips:
1. Have Structure: Mimic their normal day to day. Give them something to look forward to and expect. Especially for kids who are used to a school schedule! Don’t waste your day to day laying around. It can be frustrating, and feel just BLAH for your whole family. Break it down on paper if you need. Follow a loose guide for meal times with different activities in between. (It might take a little effort on your part.) Here is a little look into my schedule. I change things often and don’t stay too strict, but we are able to function so much better each day.
Breakfast – TV Time – Dance Session – Story Books – Outside -- Lunch – Quiet Time/Nap – Activity Time – Dinner Time – Family
2. Make Your Bed: I have often talked about making your bed. But truly if you are living in a mess you often times feel disorganized inside too. As Gretchen Rubin would say, “Outer order, inner calm.” I can say amen enough!
3. Make Time For Yourself: I know I know… How on earth can you do that surrounded by children with endless things to do with not a lot of mental and physical energy? MAKE TIME! Tell the kids they are having quiet time, or give them a busy activity while you are able to step away for just a moment. Put on a little make up, get out of your pjs, do your hair a bit. Working out is HUGE too! Take time for yourself and your body. I PROMISE you will instantly feel better!
4. Enjoy Fresh Air: YES! This is necessary for you to keep your sanity!!! Backlash might be coming. But guess what? Our backyards, porches, decks, and sidewalks aren’t quarantined! As long as you are considerate and smart a walk is OKAY! BUT pleasssee don’t go to the park!
5. Stay In Touch With Family and Friends: I have some introverted and single friends and they have even had a rough time! KEEP IN TOUCH! Text, call, Facebook, my personal favorite MARCO POLO, and even Zoom! My family has been using Zoom to play games together as a family! It feels my soul! Doorbell ditch gifts! Find way to serve!
6. Embrace Your Spirit: I am a religious person and I fully believe that if I didn’t have my beliefs I would be melted into a puddle of anxiety and tears. It has kept me together and has made me whole. Prayer brings immense peace and blessings to me. If you are not religious, meditation is an amazing way to get in touch with your spirit. Allow quiet and calmness to come to your day. Where ever you stand LIVE it and study it. It will give you comfort.
7. Work On/Learn a New Hobby: Many people are offering free or cheap classes! Take advantage! Use YouTube! Talk to a friend and video chat about something they are good at! Work on new recipes! Paint a picture! Grab your old instrument! Pull out your rusty knitting needles and fuel that passion you once had! Now is the time!
8. Organize: I know… to some this word makes you want to spit on the ground! Or maybe you are so overwhelmed with things there is no way this takes priority! BUT there is something so freeing about going through things and organizing! Do some deep cleaning! Make your home a clean and beautiful space for you and your family!
Take a deep breath, have a calm and faithful heart. We will make it through. Do your part, love your amazing family, and press on each day! GOOD LUCK! Feel free to message or comment any extra things that have helped you too! WE GOT THIS!! You are not alone!